Charlie’s Cure continues to fund key research to move toward a cure. Join us and directly impact life-changing research here.

Defeating Duchenne, an exon at a time.
Charlie is devastatingly funny, charming and bright. He is the unofficial mayor of his school. Charlie is smart and mischievous, with big twinkling eyes that make discipline difficult. Charlie was born missing exons 22-39 of his DMD gene. He has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, but DMD doesn’t have him.
Join our cause. Find a cure.
A Rare Disease Day Message:
Newborn Screening for DMD will bring more treatments to more boys, faster.
A Genetic Typo
79 exons, explained.
Our Action Plan
How we’re moving science forward.
Keeping Up with Charlie
Read our blog, Charlie’s Chronicles.

Merch for Muscles
Help us raise awareness of the urgent need for life-saving Duchenne treatments, while celebrating both the French doctor and the scientific discovery that have brought us to this moment of hope and possibility. Proceeds from sales of our “Vive La Science” merch, in partnership with Outshine Labels, will go directly to research funding at CureDuchenne.